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Time to Practice What I Preach…

When I look back at what I wrote last week, I almost have to laugh. Isn’t it just like God to make us put into practice the things that we say? I have been a little stressed (or maybe a lot). When I wrote about God’s faithfulness and putting trust in Him, I was sincere. When I said that He has everything under control, I believed it. I still do, but isn’t it so much easier to say than to put into practice?

My concerns of last week are somewhat gone, but this week came with a whole new set of problems – nothing life-threatening or even life-changing, but important to me, nonetheless. Multiple times this week, the scriptures that I quoted last week came to mind. I repeated them over and over again in my head. I almost felt like I had to prove that I actually believe what I had written. But, then it occurred to me that maybe the timing of that post was perfect. God was arming me for this week. Having those scriptures fresh in my mind was exactly what was needed to fight the fear, doubt, and honestly, the exhaustion and weariness of my busy week.

So, you see, God knows exactly what we need; He knows when we need it. I frequently joke about God always waiting until the last minute, but He is never late. And, that, we can rely upon.

I Peter 5:7, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” (NIV)

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